Workshop – Förvandla spill till guld Workshop From Waste to Gold Gör guld av skräp Inbjudan Skinnriket har haft den stora turen att lyckas engagera prof Basil Kardasis till vår skinnmässa i maj 2017. Läs mer ... Professor Basil Kardasis I was born to two most skilled parents. Neither could read nor write, but between them, they spoke five languages. Läs mer ... Workshop Inspiration Our workshop is a short 8-hour day. In those eight hours, let us focus on turning everything we have with us, into gold. Läs mer ... Mer från Basil Dedicating oneself to exploration and discovery is to ride upon a vehicle, which will embark on a colourful, diverse, thrilling, and sometimes shaky journey. Läs mer ... Lyssna på Basil Lyssna här ...